Sugarcane refers to the species of perennial grass that is used for the production of sugar. Sugarcane plants are 2-6 meters tall. The fibrous stalks of sugarcane are a rich source of sucrose. A fully grown sugarcane stalk contains up to 11-16% fiber, 12-16% soluble sugars, 2-3% non-sugar carbohydrates, and 63-73% water. The crop is mainly grown in warm and temperate tropical regions of India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea. It is also grown in Brazil where it is used to produce ethyl alcohol. The sugar (sucrose) which we use in our daily food is extracted from sugarcane in specialized mill factories. Sugarcane is also used to make molasses, jaggery, and brown sugar.

Sugarcane juice is also served as a beverage in parts of India and Africa. It is a rich source of phenolic and flavonoid antioxidants. It is appreciated for its hydrating effects because of the presence of certain electrolytes.  Sugarcane contains minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. It is also a rich source of vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, and C.  Traditionally, in Eastern India it was also used to treat some diseases related to liver and kidney. Sugarcane is also beneficial for the immune system, liver, and blood pressure.

Benefits of Sugarcane 

1. Sugarcane helps in boosting immunity. If a person is suffering from a cold, cough, flu, or fever then sugarcane acts as a good remedy for it. 

2. Sugarcane acts as a natural diuretic substance. So it helps in the treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI).

3. Many important electrolytes like sodium and potassium are present in sugarcane. They keep the body hydrated and prevent the dryness of the skin. 

4. Sugarcane is also effective for curing people suffering from jaundice and liver problems. It helps to recover from hangovers after heavy drinking. 

5. Sugarcane also acts as an ailment for constipation. Since sugarcane is fiber-rich so acts as a natural laxative that helps to keep constipation at bay. 

6. Sugarcane juice works like an energy drink. If you are feeling low after a hectic day then sugarcane juice will act as an energy booster. 

7. If you are not able to sleep properly at night then chew a piece of sugarcane before sleeping. It contains tryptophan which is a precursor of serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone that controls and regulates sleep. 

Sugarcane and diabetes 

There is a myth that diabetic people should not eat sugarcane or drink sugarcane juice. But it's not the truth as sugarcane is beneficial for a diabetic person also.  The only thing that should be kept in my mind is that should be taken in a limited amount and only after taking advice from a doctor.


Ways in which sugarcane is beneficial for a diabetic person 

1. Weak immunity is one of the causes of diabetes. Sugarcane is rich in antioxidants which help to boost the immune system. It also provides the energy required to manage the blood sugar level of the body.     Regular consumption also inhibits the peroxidation of lipids which causes degeneration of organs. 

2. Since sugarcane contains only natural sugar so it is diabetic friendly. Natural sugars have low GI (Glycemic Index) which prevents the steep rise in blood glucose sugar in diabetic people. 

3. Kidney damage is one of the major side effects of diabetes. Sugarcane juice helps to keep kidney healthy as it boosts the protein level of the body. It also helps to prevent inflammation and burning sensations due to urinary infections. 
